Runic divination generally falls into two categories: pulls and casts. Pulls are where you have your runes in a bag or other container and you reach in and blindly pull out as many runes as you need, one at a time. A cast is when you throw all of the runes at one on a surface, maybe a table or the floor. Often a cloth with significant fields is used to enable reading in greater detail, like this one.
But here we are going to discus some rune pulls. There are many different one that related to different magical aspects, and certainly more can be created. The runic tradition is in a process of rediscovery and re-creation, so much is possible. The only real thing to keep in mind is that the runic tradition is very separate from the typical neo-pagan-Celtic type of Wicca very common today and a rune pull needs to follow the ways of the Northern tradition.
Here’s the first one. The numbers are the order the runes are pulled in, which can be quite different from how they are read.
The Five Elements Pull

This five-rune layout delves into the elemental influences of earth, air, fire, water, and spirit, which affect the question at hand. on a deeper level, it gives more subtle insights into the question.
Rune #1:
The rune at the top represents earth, your physical body, surroundings, and environment. In Rune lore, this is Midhgardh, the world in which we live at the center of the Nine Worlds.
Rune #2:
The rune to the right denotes the air element, symbolizing intellectual influences related to the question. This rune reflects your present state of mind. In rune lore, this is Alfheim, the world of the light elves. Light and blessings can be found here as well as deep mysteries.
Rune #3:
The bottom rune indicates the creative forces at work. In rune lore, this is Svartalfhiem, the world of the dark elves, or dwarves. All creativity flows from here.
Rune #4:
The rune to the left reveals your emotions in regard to the question. In rune lore, this is Vanahiem, the world of the Vanir, the gods of the Earth and nature. Deep feelings, rhythms and cycles are found here.
Rune #5:
The center rune represents the spiritual influences and your connection to deity. In rune lore, this is Asgardh, the world of the Asier, the gods. Inspiration, divine connections and your ancestors can be found here.
The next rune pull is a bit more complicated. Give it a try.
Mimir's Head

Mimir is a giant of the open sea who embodies the elements. Aligned with the Aesir, his home is Mimir's Well (the sea), beside one of the roots of the mighty tree Yggdrasil. Drinking from Mimir's Well confers mysterious and all-knowing wisdom.
Odin once gave one of his eyes for a drink from Mimir's Well. After the war between the Aesir and the Vanir, they exchanged two members each as a goodwill gesture.
The Vanir sent Frey and Freyja in exchange for Mimir and Hoenir of the Aesir. Hoenir was basically an oaf, and the Vanir felt insulted and angered because they had sent two of their best members to the Aesir. As a reaction to the insult, the Vanir cut off Mimir's head and sent it to Asgard. Odin preserved it with herbs, and regularly consulted Mimir's head as an oracle.
This layout works with pairs of runes, and is best used for questions that feature several unknown variables, such as beginning a new business or making an investment. After following the basic instructions, think of your question, and begin to mix the runes. Pull out seven runes, one at a time, placing them in the order shown on the layout above. Place the first and second runes at the bottom of the layout, from right to left.
Put the next two runes in a row directly above the first two. Then, place the fifth and sixth runes above three and four, and put the seventh rune in the middle position, at the top of the head.
The first and second runes signify the question or problem at hand.
The third and fourth runes reflect the reasons for the question or problem.
The fifth and sixth runes point to viable solutions and ways of resolution.
Rune #7:
The seventh rune, which sits at the top of Mimir's head, represents the result and final outcome.
And here's the third one.
The Grid of Nine

Used for over 1,000 years, the number Nine is one of the oldest and most powerful of ancient Northen European symbols. was associated with the "wyrd" times of the year, when the veil between the worlds was thinnest.
Another use of the Grid of Nine was made by Norse wise women in a form of trance-divination called "Utiseta," which means "sitting out." A wooden platform divided into nine squares was erected upon a sacred place, such as a burial mound or holy hill. A wise woman would sit on the middle square, facing north, the direction of the gods and the ancestors, until she went into a trance and received knowledge from them.
In this application, the grid created a vortex of light that the wise woman could tap into. The Grid of Nine is made up of nine squares with a central square, like a king in a chess game, which is protected on all four sides by rows of three squares each. This makes the Grid of Nine the most appropriate rune layout for questions dealing with protection from negativity and personal attack, injury, bad luck, or evildoers.
Mix your runes or rune cards at random in the usual manner, and pull nine runes, placing them face-down in a row in front of you. Then take the first rune and turn it over from right to left, like turning the page of a book. Put this rune in square (1), the second in square (2), the third in square (3), and so on, until you have placed all nine runes in their proper grid positions according to the layout. Read the runes in horizontal rows of three, in the following order.
This row represents the past. Rune #8 reflects hidden influences from the past. Rune #1 denotes basic past influences, and Rune #6 shows the questioner's present attitude toward these past events.
This row represents the present. Rune #3 reveals the hidden influences operating right now. Rune #5 stands for the present state of affairs, and Rune #7 indicates the questioner's attitude toward these present influences.
This row represents the future outcome. Rune #4 shows the hidden obstacles, delays, and problems that can prevent a successful outcome. Rune #9 is considered the "key" rune in this layout, and symbolizes the best possible outcome. Rune #2 denotes the questioner's response to the outcome.
So there you have 3 rune pull systems that you can start using right away. Remember to always record your readings in your journal or Book of Shadows so you can re-read it later. This will help you improve your readings and become more familiar with the runes.
Thank you for reading this post and I hope you enjoyed it, maybe even learned from it. Please post in the comments your experiences with the runes and how you practice with them. Feel free to subscribe to receive notices when new posts are up, any events upcoming and anything else that’s going on.
Blessed Be,
Sterling Knight